Sunday, July 30, 2023

Principal's Message - Dr. Archana Shukla

The Horizons of Higher Education is continuously expanding; especially in the context of knowledge and economy, it’s more relevant in preparing the youth of our nation for a greater contribution towards national development. Higher Education Institutions play a critical role in the delivery of curricular programs and learning resources; which involves qualified and talented Faculties, facilitating the process of teaching-learning that promotes career opportunities for the students.

Here at LCIT, we provide quality and efficient service to the student community in pursuit of knowledge, values and growth. Besides Projects, Industry Visits, Workshops, Seminars and Guest Lectures; our Campus resources include library books, computer labs, internet connectivity, separate hostels for boys and girls, etc. Our purpose is to educate our students to not only think and develop a capacity to reason out facts; but also the importance of planning and prioritizing their time and the effective use of it which are essential to achieve success.

Dr. Archana Shukla
Principal, LCIT College of Commerce and Science, Bilaspur (C.G.)

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