Sunday, July 30, 2023

A study on the impact of racial discrimination and substance abuse with special reference to South Asian countries


South Asian countries are facing a tough time. i.e., Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and the rest of the other South Asian countries are also not doing well on the economic, social, and political fronts. Somewhere, we can see that most of these countries fail to stop racial discrimination and protect the interests of the minority class. Countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nepal are directly or indirectly responsible for the rise of substance abuse not only in South Asian countries but also in Western and African countries, which is fundamentally a condemnable action. COVID-19 has made this problem severe, and now we can see post-2022 economic conditions. Many South Asian countries have faced its impact. This problem of racial discrimination and substance abuse is not only connected with political matters but is also connected with the independence of the judiciary and press. To stop these crimes, we need to strengthen our judiciary and also our public institutions like the press, media, and social activists. In this research paper, I would like to explore this problem and try to find its roots in maladministration and political and judicial corruption. Without social and political stability, no country can achieve optimal economic growth, and without economic growth, we cannot expect the welfare state that we all dreamed of.

Dr. Arun Verma

Associate Professor of Law, LCIT College of Commerce and Science

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